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Top 10 Tips for Brow Tattoo Pre and Post Care

Writer's picture: Nichole HinesNichole Hines

How to Prepare for Your Permanent Brow Tattoo Session

and Home Care for Brows After Application

Happy New Year! $100 OFF Powder Brow Permanent Enhancement (Two Sessions)

Powder Brow Tattooing
Nichole Hines, Licensed Tattooist + Esthetician

What You Need To Know About Permanent Brow Enhancement

The results of Permanent Makeup are not guaranteed. They are affected by many factors, not limited to: client age, skin type, skin tone, or biological resistance to pigmentation. This is why during the consultation and design process, Nichole will determine the correct procedure appropriate for your face and skin type according to these factors.

Permanent Makeup may need, at maximum, yearly touch ups. The rate of touchups depends on, but is not limited to: client preference, client genetics, skin type and skin care regimen. Clients with oily skin types, clients who regularly place anti-aging skin care products on their brows, or, exfoliate harshly, as well as, clients who do not wear sunscreen outdoors are more susceptible to pigment loss.

Prior to your permanent cosmetic enhancement, think about the look that you wish to achieve. As a professional in the field, I ensure that the correct colors and styles are chosen for you, however, you are part of the decision-making process. I always confer with my client before proceeding.

Booking an appointment for Brow Tattooing is a serious decision. It is important to know and understand the commitment it will take to render the best long-lasting results. Here's 10 Top Tips to make your transition--your decision to book Powder Brow Tattooing a little easier:

Brow Mapping
Brow Mapping for Bone + Muscle Structure


Tip 1 - Show Me

Please wear your normal make-up to your enhancement appointment. Although I will map brows, based upon your brow and muscle structure, it is important, to me, to see how you like to present to the world. This is a great starting point for our consultation.


Tip 2 - When Thinner Isn't Better

Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen 24 hours prior to and after your enhancement.

"Less is more. Enhance your natural beauty." –Nichole Hines, Licensed Tattooist, Esthetician, + Cosmetologist

Tip 3 - A Hairy Situation

Please do not wax, tweeze or shave the area within 3 days of your brow enhancement session.

Tip 4 - Chill Out

  • Do not tan or sunburn 2 weeks prior to the procedure.

  • Do not work out the day of the procedure.

  • No alcohol or caffeine 24 hours prior to the procedure.

  • Do Not Stop taking any medication without the advice of your doctor.

Tip 5 - Stop Stuff

8 Weeks Prior: Please refrain from any laser or chemical treatments 8 Weeks Prior.

3 Weeks Prior: ​Please refrain from any Botox, RetinA, or other age-defying regimen.


Powder Brow Tattooing
Two Sessions are recommended for best results.


Tip 6 - Crusty is Good

Do not scrub, rub, or pick at the epithelial crust that forms. Allow it (the scab) to flake off by itself. If it is removed before it is ready, the pigment underneath it can be pulled out.

Tip 7 - Au Naturale

Do not use any makeup near the procedure area for at least 10 days. Purchase new mascara and makeup, if possible, to avoid contamination or bacterial infection.

Tip 8 - Do Not Touch

Swelling, itching, scabbing, light bruising and dry tightness are normal. Take ibuprofen for swelling. The provided aftercare balm is nice for scabbing and tightness. (Use balm for 4 days.)

Tip 9 - Exhale

Too dark and slightly uneven appearance is normal. After 2-7 days the darkness will fade and once the swelling dissipates, the unevenness usually disappears. Remember the color will be 30-40% lighter when fully healed. Hence, a second session 4-6wks later.

Tip 10 Check Your Calendar

Please do not schedule your appointments within 3-4 weeks of special events like weddings, graduations, or, if you’re going on vacation and will be in any body of water. Give your skin the time it needs to heal.

Lastly, knowing just a little bit about the permanent brow enhancement process can do a long way in help in you make a decision to book a tattoo session.

You can learn more about Brow Tattooing Protocol on my website:

Limited Time. Limited Offer.

If you're ready to begin the new year with a new look, here's something to entice you!

$100 OFF Powder Brow Tattoo is available for a limited time. Just click the link below and book your first of two sessions with me. If you have further questions after reading this BLOG and my Protocol page, email me with your questions and/or concerns:

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