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We Did It! Governor Kelly Vetoed Sugaring Bill SB 434

Friday, April 12, 2024 was a day to revel in the victory of Kansas Governor, Laura Kelly, protecting the health and safety of Kansans.

However, we have one last hurdle to kill this bill. Although the governor vetoed the bill, it can still be overturned by a 2/3 vote in both the House and Senate. It is currently on the agenda for the Senate on April 25, 2024.

Why is this bill so concerning? Watch our KCTV5 NewStory (April 3, 2024) for more details.

There was only 1 opposing vote when the Senate originally voted.

What can we do now?

We need everyone to email the senators asking them to protect Kansans by changing their vote and opposing SB434. If we can get 14 senators to change their vote, there won’t be a 2/3 majority needed to overturn the governor’s veto. We will win this battle. (There will be more Beauty Industry deregulation bills to come nationwide.)

Who voted for Sugaring Bill 434?

Senate Vote Results:

House of Representatives Vote Results: 

What shall I say to the senators?

Dear Senator ________________,

Please DO NOT vote to overturn the veto for Sugaring Bill SB434. Vote to protect the health and safety of Kansans to avoid sanitation and bodily harm concerns, such as contagious diseases, from the unskilled rendering of hair removal techniques. This exposes our children by giving access to this service anywhere, with no required screening, inspection, or disinfection to create a safe environment.

Thank you, _______

What’s the Backstory to this bill?

The public and Beauty Industry Professionals were not aware or present at the Kansas Capitol to ensure the senators had ALL the information needed to make an informed decision as to the concerns with rendering of uneducated Sugaring Hair Removal Services. They only heard the proponents of the bill espouse that Sugaring is “just lemon, sugar, and water and can’t hurt anyone”.

So, why weren’t we there? It is because we did not know a Sugaring Bill Hearing was happening until the day before. Opponents of SB434 missed the House and Senate hearings to testify against the bill, but it will not happen again. Four licensed Cosmetologists and Estheticians testified in the hearing with Federal and State Affairs Committee about concerns with uneducated, unlicensed providers rendering Sugaring Hair Removal, but, it was too late to sway opinions with pertinent facts about training, education, blood spill, contagious disease control, and more.

How can we made a difference?

This bill being vetoed is a blessing! Even going back to the senate for one more vote is giving us a platform to bring awareness to this Sugaring bill and how legislation works. We have been given a chance to provide accurate information about the dangers to the public when Unlicensed people are allowed to touch unassuming customers without proper training.

This next vote also give senators an opportunity to correct their initial vote against their constituents.

What happens after the senators vote?

If we do not get enough senators to change their vote against SB434, the bill will go to the House of Representatives. If all the Representatives vote the same way, they will not have enough votes to overturn the veto.

We just have to keep that for legislators to do the right thing—and encourage them with our emails and calls.

Click on their names and tell them your concerns and use the provided template above:


Contact House of Representatives

Senate Current Events for April 25, 2024

What’s Next?

You are welcome to join monthly meetings with SALON/SPA CONSUMER ADVOCACY. We are dedicated to bringing awareness Beauty Industry Deregulation to Salon/Spa Professionals and the Public.

We are in the beginning stages of organizing our coalition to prepare for the next deregulation bills that will risk our health and safety with low bars for sanitation and skilled services.

Leave a comment and/or share how you feel about Beauty Industry Deregulation with us.

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